If you’re headed out to a festival or a camping trip to enjoy the cool autumn weather, you might want to take a peek at a flashy alternative to your ordinary outdoor gear. Bang Bang Tents, as they’re called, are eye-catching solar-powered tents that will keep you connected to the digital world.
With a 5W solar panel, a lithium solar storage bank, and mobile phone/USB charging adaptors, the cozy four-person tent can keep your devices charged and ready for whatever your adventures might bring. Whether it’s your phone, laptop, camera, or speakers, just plug it in and you’ll be on your way to a full battery.
Each tent comes with a solar panel that slides into a pocket located inside the rear of the tent. To get charging, make sure the solar cell is facing into direct sunlight, and plug the solar panel into the power bank and let the natural light trickle down for a constant source of power. For best results, the company recommends giving the power bank a full charge from an alternative power source such as a wall socket before your trip.
As for the vibrant colors (so you’ll never lose track of your tent in a sea of campers), they come in six different styles. Users have the choice between nature-inspired prints, including grass, chopped wood, and butterflies, or more psychedelic patterns such as jelly beans, mandalas, and geometric shapes. Tough enough to withstand anything Mother Nature throws your way but a breeze to set up, Bang Bang tents easily combine the best of both worlds.
Interested in picking up one of these sturdy but fun tents for your next outdoor excursion? Visit bangbangtents.com to get the good times rolling.
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