In today’s ever-evolving world of technology, you’ve likely heard about the idea of a pair of photo-snapping contact lenses, but now tech giant Sony is ready to make them a reality. The company recently filed a patent for smart contact lenses, joining the likes of Google and Samsung in the mad dash to get in on the future of eyewear before the technology becomes readily available.
Image source: Google.
The news of the patent was originally broken by Sony Alpha Rumors , describing connected lenses that can capture a photo when the wearer blinks an eye. The photo is then stored, and can be sent to a wireless device such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
To capture the photos, the patent details a device like a smartphone that tells the lenses to capture an image, with light sensors that are able to detect eyelid movement. The patent also notes that the lenses will have the ability to zoom, focus, and change the aperture, meaning the pictures will look quite decent. As if that’s not impressive enough, the contacts are also described as having a display, allowing you to view captured images. And if you’d rather not take a photo every time you blink, Sony noted that an on/off switch will be located on the lenses.
Image source: Sony/United States Patent and Trademark Office.
“In the case where the user presses an end of his/her eyelid in a state in which the eyelid is closed, such press is sensed by the piezoelectric [pressure] sensor, and thus the switch can be turned on,” the patent reads.
The patent also touches upon recording, playing, and storing videos with your eyes.
As exciting as it may seem, this patent for smart contacts is still in the realm of the hypothetical. Many materials will need to be packed into something as small as a contact lens, and the question of how exactly all of this will be achieved at a technical level is quite vague. Currently the lenses require technology that wouldn’t fit comfortably on a contact lens.
Although we might not be wearing these in the next few years, the patent gives us a glimpse into the possible future of eyewear and how it could operate.
To read the full patent, visit
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