
Sophisticated 2- & 6-GHz VSGs fit in your pocket

The VSG2G1 and VSG6G1 are pocketable RF vector signal generators (VSGs) that are said to offer features and functions comparable to full-size analog RF signal generators. Programmed (using a PC and supplied software) and powered through their USB ports, the 4 x 1 x 1-in., 3-oz VSGs cover ranges of 1 MHz to 2.2 (_2G1) or 6.2 GHz (_6G1) with output levels up to 10 dBm.


Made by Triarchy Technologies, the units offer CW, frequency sweep,and frequency hopping modes, as well as arbitrary signal generation. The compact signal sources can generate a variety of analog modulation modes, such as I&Q, AM, PM, FM analog, FSK, ASK, PSK, MSK, GMSK, and SFSK, as well as digital modulation schemes such as QPSK, 8PSK, and QAM, and phase modulation types such as CDMA, TMDA, and GSM. An N connector delivers output signals, while the I&Q connector provides I&Q I/O. Test functions can be customized for proprietary and other nonstandard wireless protocols. The VSGs can be configured to operate with ATE systems or for, say, field use, they can work without a connected PC using an external battery pack. Units are available in the U.S. exclusively from Saelig starting at $392.


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