Suited for automotive telematics, private mobile radio, cellular/3G, WiMAX/4G and test equipment applications, the 10-W HMC784MS8GE GaAs pHEMT SPDT MMIC T/R (transmit/receive) switch can control signals from dc to 4 GHz, and provides a P1dB and IP3 performance of 40 and 62 dBm, respectively. On-chip circuitry allows single positive supply operation from 3 to 8 Vdc, while the control inputs are compatible with most CMOS logic outputs.
Housed in a RoHS-compliant MSOP-8G leaded package, the part also offers an insertion loss of 0.4 dB. ($6.09 ea/10 — available now.)
Hittite Microwave , Chelmsford , MA
Sales 978-250-3343
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