For many design engineers, specifying enclosure modifications is the final step in the design cycle, with time-to-market pressure leading many to demand 1 to 2 weeks delivery rather than the 4 to 6 weeks common in the past.
Although enclosure suppliers can typically turn around modifications in up to 6 weeks, the most efficient ones can complete simple modifications in as few as five days with no charge for expediting. Identify your enclosure modification needs as you create your product design. If you figure out your enclosure requirements early, you’ll often be able to take advantage of a stock enclosure, which will cost substantially less and require far less lead time than a custom one.
For example, with extra planning time, you have the flexibility to reposition the mounting screws on the PCB to line up with a stock enclosure’s mounting bosses, or you might select taller keys to accommodate a standard box’s depth.
Enclosure suppliers can easily mill out a mounting boss or card guide that’s in the way or add tapped inserts to increase the stand-off to allow mounting the PCB closer to the front of the enclosure.
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