Stand-alone digitizers slip into LXI systems
Said to be the first standalone high-resolution digitizers with LXI connectivity, the two-channel L4532A and four-channel L4534A offer simultaneous sampling at up to 20 Msamples/s with 16-bit resolution. Isolated input channels can measure up to ±250 V and are designed to handle test or characterization applications in R&D and manufacturing requiring electromechanical device control.
The LXI class C-compliant digitizers offer a choice of noise filters and include on-board “scope-like” measurements — such as Vmin/Vmax, Vp-p, frequency, and rise/fall time — that can be applied to a selected portion of a signal or the overall waveform. With a Gigabit Ethernet interface, the 1U-high, rack-wide units can be operated remotely using their built-in Web page and a browser, and they also have a USB 2.0 port. (From $6,500 — available this month.)
Agilent Technologies , Santa Clara , CA
Sales 800-829-4444
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