Stepper motor driver IC features CAN xceiver
The AMIS−30523 is a microstepping stepper motor driver IC with a CAN transceiver that comes in a single-package, two-die format. It operates at 1 Mbit/s and offers seven step modes from full up to 32 microsteps. The integrated transceiver allows low transmit data rates down 10 kbits/s or lower.
The device uses a 5-bit current D/A converter for a programmable peak current of up to 1.6 A. Additional features include a voltage regulator and current translator, an SPI interface, a reset output, and a watchdog reset. The IC comes in a 8 x 8-mm QFP-52 package with an overall nominal height of just 0.7 mm and is fully compatible with ISO 11898-2. ($3 ea/50,000 — available now.)
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Sales 602-244-6600
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