With a 12-mm external motor diameter and 17.2-mmlength, the Series ADM1220S miniature stepper motor provides aholding torque of 2.4 mNm with current and can achieve a high boosttorque of 4.1 mNm. The motor offers 20 full steps per revolution infull-step mode and is capable of 160 microsteps/rev with a maximumerror of ±0.2 at speeds ranging from 10 to 6,000rpm.
The stepper motor can be combined with agearhead and/or lead screw for a complete miniature stepper-motordrive system or linear actuator. Planetary, spur, and zero-backlashgearheads are available in both 10 and 12-mm-diameter versions withvarious reduction ratios allowing a continuous torque up to 300mNm. (Contact Ted Severn for pricing—available now.)
MicroMoElectronics , Clearwater , FL
TedSevern 727-572-0131
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