
Suntron Corporation Releases New Design for Excellence White Paper

Suntron Corporation Releases New Design for Excellence White Paper

PHOENIX– Suntron Corporation, a leader in integrated electronics manufacturing systems (EMS) and embedded computing solutions, announces that it has posted a new Design for Excellence white paper to its website. The paper outlines one part of Suntron’s “Design for x…” (DFx) approach, where “x” represents manufacturability, productivity, or testability. Focusing on DFM (design for manufacturability), the paper explains the benefits of this process for customers and manufacturers. DFM analysis allows customers ship a better product to market more quickly, while enjoying sufficient time and money savings due to the elimination of quality defects.

In a typical Customer-Manufacturer agreement, it is understood that the Customer has designed the product to meet contractual quality standards, while the Manufacturer has implemented process controls to ensure high quality and on-time delivery. However, even when both parties fulfill these promises, unexpected defects and field failures can occur.

A DFM process review provides an additional, objective engineering resource for the Customer Engineering Design Team to mitigate or avoid these unforeseen issues. Using the Customer’s BOM and ODB CAD files, a DFM process review achieves the following three objectives:

• Identifies potential defects and mitigates manufacturing defects prior to production release
• Supplies a reference of information for continuous improvement and validation of the finding
• Provides recommendations and guidelines to promote a continuous improvement approach which directly relates to the cost of quality for current and future designs

The new white paper explains the process review in greater detail, including the various categories of a process review, the contents of the final report, the optimal time for DFM implementation, and other factors. The paper will be available for download from Suntron’s new Media Center.

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