The LN8-A1400DC-5 gas-filled surge arresters consists of a stack of five individual arresters to protect the power supplies of telecommunications equipment. Its rated operating voltage is 48 Vdc plus 20% per the IEC 61643-11 standard.
The arrester stack measures 16.3 x 8.4 x 8.9 mm3 taking up less space than five discrete arresters. The component has a surge current capability of 20 kA at an impulse wave of 8/20 µs and 4 kA at an impulse wave of 10/350 µs. The arrester’s operating temperature range extends from –40° to +90°C, and has a capacitance of less than 1 pF (1 MHz) and an insulation resistance of >10 GΩ (100 Vdc). ($5.50 ea – available now.)
By Paul O’Shea
TDK-EPC , Iselin , NJ
Ted Meyer 800-888-7728
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