Switchable LCD simplifies night-vision systems
LED-backlit screen can become a mil/aero NVIS-compliant monitor
Providing a better way to display an image both useful in the daytime and with mil/aero night-vision imaging systems (NVIS), a family of VGA- and XGA-resolution TFT-LCDs can use the Prisma II controller to switch between day and night mode to eliminate the bulky and inefficient filters previously used. The white-LED-backlit devices can be used in military aircraft cockpits, tanks, trucks, ground mobile applications, communications equipment, electronics, and other facilities with stringent night-vision imaging requirements.
Using addressable LED rails, the LCDs switch back and forth between different banks of LEDs to provide a seamless transition between day and night modes. Provided with screen diameters from 8.4 to 15 in., the RoHS-compliant displays are available in an A version for upper-echelon applications and a B version for applications with less-stringent requirements. (Contact Rich McKay for pricing—available now.)
Apollo Display Technologies , Ronkonkoma , NY
Richard McKay 631-580-4360
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