The ADG5212 and ADG5213 high-voltage, latchup-proof quad switches offer guaranteed latchup protection for industrial, instrumentation, and automotive applications operating at up to ±22 V. These parts, which contain four independent SPST switches, are claimed to achieve the industry’s lowest charge injection of 0.07 pC, suiting them for data acquisition and sample-and-hold applications.
They operate equally well in both directions when on and have an input signal range that extends to the power supplies. In the off condition, signal levels up to the supplies are blocked. Additional features include 400-pA max leakage current, 2.5-kV HBM ESD rating, 3-pF off capacitance, and 435-MHz –3-dB bandwidth. The parts are housed in 4 × 4-mm 16-lead LFCSP and TSSOP packages. ($2.18 ea/1,000 — available now.)
By Christina Nickolas
Analog Devices , Wilmington , MA
Sales 800-262-5643
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