Sync/async board runs at 1 Mbit/s
The ACB-VI is a PC/XT/AT-compatible communications board with a 1-Mbit/s
sync/async port, a user-selectable interface, and one async RS-232-C port.
The board is designed for SDLC, HDLC, X.25, network routing CSU/DSU
communications, and T1/fractional T1 applications. Other features of the
board include selectable IRQ levels and DMA channels (1 to 3), as well as
jumper options for clock source and input/output mode. A software toolkit
eases application development by providing high-level and
assembly-language source code for complex tasks. ($429–stock to 3 weeks.
) Sealevel Systems, Inc., Liberty, SC Technical Support 803-843-4343