Stable oxygen sensors are long lived Based on ZrO2 technology, XYA series oxygen sensors are nonconsumptive, giving them high stability and an extremely long life. . .
Force system retrofit speeds up older gear When existing sensing systems or PLCs cannot respond fast enough, the In-Process Force Measurement system retrofits them to speed . .
Hydraulic sensors suit embedded cylinder apps The small MS Series mobile hydraulic position sensors fit welded and tie-rod compact (38-mm-Dia.) cylinder applications and are compatible . .
10-bit magnetic rotary encoder is first to tolerate 150°C The AS5140H is presented as the industry’s first 10-bit magnetic rotary encoder IC fully qualified for ambient temperatures to . .
Compact actuator fits multidriver apps Measuring 26 (W) x 61 (H) mm, the STA11 ServoTube direct-drive linear actuator can be mounted with other units . .
Encoder position sensor is fast, accurate Suited for servo control in automation applications, the R-Series SSI encoder position sensor features fast data processing with highly . .
Small current transducer handles 400 A rms Just 2.2-in. high, the LA 306-S panel-mounted current transducer uses closed-loop Hall-effect technology to measure currents to 400 A . .