
Tap Tap Tech: The maker movement

Tap Tap Tech Maker Movement

By Josh Bishop
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-Prototyping and even very small-level production runs are now possible in someone’s bedroom, with the hope of them eventually growing into a thriving small business.

Today, we’re going to discuss the Maker Movement, otherwise known as The Coolest Thing in Technology ever. Just like the garage computer explosion of the ‘70s through the ‘80s—which brought us such things as Apple, Pong, Bill Gates’ hair, and the proliferation of personal computers—the Maker Movement is the new garage hardware explosion. While the Maker Movement is strongly associated with electronics, it really is more a matter of scale, particularly small scale. Making is about individual, “Do-It-Yourself-ers” being able to design and create with tools that were, as of a decade or two ago, only available to large, cash-rich corporations; CAD tools, CNC mills, 3D printers, low-quantity PCB manufacturing, open hardware such as Arduinos, and similar inexpensive development boards—all items that have made it easier and relatively cheap to make whatever we imagine.

For individuals, maker tools can change how someone views their home or their hobbies. If you want to make a little custom widget that holds your favorite Bluetooth speakers onto your bike frame, you can quickly design, print, or make it, and then use it almost immediately—and it will be perfect for your application. I believe, and fervently hope, that this will change our viewpoint as a society in terms of what is considered disposable. I have a slow cooker at home that works just fine, however, the handle to the lid is broken—a small plastic piece. When I contacted the manufacturer, they said they can only replace the lid, not just the handle, and it would cost nearly as much as if I were to buy the whole thing again new. As Making becomes more prevalent, I imagine a world where I can print a new piece for a couple of cents. I can then post the design online in some public repository for anyone else to use with a similar problem. Ideally, manufacturers could even be more responsible and provide the designs for portions of their products that are prone to failure. 

For the business minded, the Maker Movement signals that the barrier to entry for new products has been lowered. Prototyping and even very small-level production runs are now possible in someone’s bedroom, with the hope of them eventually growing into a thriving small business. Maybe it’s not for everyone, but I imagine there are many Makers out there who would love to be the next Lady Ada or even Nathan Seidle. Upcoming Maker-inspired companies aren’t just the fulfillment of personal dreams, they’re making a serious impact on our economy. On Kickstarter alone, there has been over 1.3-billion dollars pledged to successful projects and the money pouring in has been increasing wildly since 2009. 1.3-billion dollars . That’s a lot of jobs and a lot of innovation.

The Maker movement is getting bigger and it’s everywhere from the White House to your basement. If you haven’t tried making yet, go ahead and do it! You may be amazed at what you can do.

Source: EEWeb


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