The advancements of our modern era are changing everything. From the way we think, to how we interact, to the way we wage wars, technology simultaneously enhances and complicates everything in its entirety. Technology has been altering how troops participate in combat, using extremely powerful devices, robots, and strategies to put their most technologically troop-savvy fighting foot forward. It is curious to consider how international war laws will adapt to our changing times, and how institutions on the global level will debate this pertinently arising matter. What are the legal and ethical implications of such technologies – are they ethical or plainly asymmetrical? It appears that the once “arms race” has now shifted to a “tech race” in an attempt to acquire the best technology possible, ameliorating countries’ battle tactics and obfuscating them all the same.
In Braden R. Allenby’s piece, “Are new technologies undermining the laws of war?,” he explicates that internationally, we need to reevaluate everything of or pertaining to warfare and laws. The ethics of which war had once be defined are no longer. A global forum through dialogue must occur, where global leaders will discuss how new war laws will make combat as fair as possible while taking cultural perspectives into consideration.
Long ago, guns, cannons, and railroads made combat dangerous, but at least both parties knew the types of equipment they were up against. Nowadays, there is no current code of conduct for military tactics. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles will be able to go unnoticed while scouting locations before they are pursued by the military, creating an advantage for one side. Robotics companies like Boston Dynamics are tremendously innovative and influential with each high-power robot they create. Robots with surreal power and autonomous robots who are programmed to kill anything in their path would wipe out a shooter with a standard gun before the person would even have time to pull the trigger.
In some cases, live in-the-flesh human troops are not even necessary in wiping out a region; they can do so by programming a robot or by attacking virtually. Global warfare is not only on the battlefield. Cyber-warfare has been practiced, specializing in hacking information systems, targeting countries that are withholding pertinent information that is virtually present, and will be invaluable to the opposing party.
Last month, Electronic Products reported how troops will soon appear invisible to opposing forces when wearing special protective garb. This new technologically-infused uniform will allow troops to blend into their surroundings. This will be interesting when broached in conversation in regards to international war law. (“When in combat, you won’t be able to see us, so good luck”)
The international war laws that are currently enacted are not adequately contemporary, for they neither acknowledge nor refute modern technology. How equitable will warfare be considered between wealthy powers and poorly established nations? Poverty stricken areas would not even be able to afford the tech weaponry necessary for a fair fight. Will laws include some sort of system to determine if the countries’ weaponry is compatible, and if a fair battle will ensue? Will a sample law potentially be that poorer countries that lack ample tech weaponry will be forced to surrender to dominant countries during warfare? There will be the eventual need for amended international war laws that will address the restrictions and limitations to which such technologies can be used, and perhaps such questions will be answered then.
Story via “Are new technologies undermining the laws of war?”
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