
Tektronix Extends IMS and TISPAN Core Network Test Capabilities with Spectra2 Enhancements

Tektronix Extends IMS and TISPAN Core Network Test Capabilities with Spectra2 Enhancements

Spectra2 6.3 Offers Increased Monitoring Capability, Expanded Media Portfolio and Extensive Testing Support

RICHARDSON, Texas,August 27, 2008– Tektronix Communications, a leading worldwide provider of communications network management and diagnostics solutions, today announced the availability of the Spectra2 6.3 Core Network Test Solution software release, which offers comprehensive testing for IMS and TISPAN networks.

With network equipment and service providers increasingly looking to provide differentiated services over next-generation network infrastructure, the need for comprehensive test solutions is key to delivering reliable services.

“Spectra2’s legacy of success with PSTN and VoIP networks provides a solid foundation for extending the solution to provide test coverage in next-generation IMS and TISPAN networks,” said Richard Kenedi, General Manager of Function and Load Diagnostics, Tektronix Communications. “Our goal is to provide a test solution at the opening of the TISPAN market window. Spectra2 6.3 positions us to be the leader in TISPAN support while continuing to provide world-class solutions for IMS and legacy technologies. Tektronix’ Spectra2 ‘all-in-one’ platform has and will continue to satisfy real-world customer needs with a solution that is flexible, reliable and easy to use.”

Tektronix’ enhanced Spectra2 6.3 software release introduces policy management testing for IMS and TISPAN networks, complementing a mature DIAMETER solution with support for the Gq/Gq’ and Rq Interfaces. Spectra2 6.3 offers powerful element simulation capabilities of the next generation Policy Decision elements such as the PDF, SPDF, CSCF and A-RACF and further complements its capability to test IMS Core, VoIP, and PSTN networks.

The Spectra2 6.3 release also implements load testing support for the TISPAN (Megaco V3) la interface. Users are provided with the ability to test and monitor enforcement of local policies at border elements to control bandwidth and session based media traffic.

The Spectra2 6.3 release introduces support for Enhanced Variable Rate Codec (EVRC) based media streams. This extension of the Spectra2 media solution set includes functional and load testing coupled with Quality of Service reporting. This easy to use feature provides comprehensive call control and media capabilities in a single system.

Learn more about the solution by visiting:

About Tektronix’ Spectra2 Protocol Analyzer

The Spectra2 is a comprehensive solution that includes monitoring, functional testing, and load generation for the full range of IP, IMS and legacy network elements and media (voice, data and video). Spectra2 also offers increased productivity with improved converged network testing capabilities, including the ability to monitor and generate ISDN and perform Multi-protocol Call Tracing and Failed Call Analysis. All powerful capabilities are delivered in the same integrated, easy-to-use portable format.

About Tektronix Communications

Tektronix Communications provides network operators and equipment manufacturers around the world an unparalleled suite of network diagnostics and management solutions for fixed, mobile, IP and converged multi-service networks. This comprehensive set of solutions support a range of architectures and applications such as LTE, fixed mobile convergence, IMS, broadband wireless access, WiMAX, VoIP and triple play, including IPTV. Tektronix Communications is headquartered in Richardson, Texas. Learn more about the company’s test, measurement and network monitoring solutions by visiting:

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