
Texas Instruments team creates perfect connectivity

WiFi has become very important for many products and many large industrial systems. That’s one reason we chose the Texas Instruments CC3200 SimpleLink Wi-Fi chip as a 2014 Product of the Year Award winner. It has everything an engineer needs for a complete wireless IoT product – a full 802.11 b/g/n transceiver and a 80-MHz Cortex-M4 with 256 Kbytes of SRAM, a hardware crypto engine, an a 8-bit parallel camera interface – in one IC. Check out for details.

The design team for the CC3200 knew EE’s from wide variety of industries needed to add Internet connectivity to their end products without extensive networking or RF knowledge. The idea behind SimpleLink was an easier and more cost effective way of adding secured Internet connectivity to any end product, with simple APIs, easy hardware design and complete documentation and tools – all available online for everyone. TI’s team came from three main sites: Israel (Ra’anana), India (Bangalore), and Texas (Dallas). 


Figure 1: Some of the SimpleLink design team: (right to left)  Standing: Barak Cherches, Yaki Poraz; Middle: Ofer Shevach, Nir Gross, Israel Zilbershmidet; Front: Michael Nemanov, Nir Nitzani, Asaf Carmeli.

“One of the best things about working on this product is the ability to be a leading part of one of the biggest technological revolutions of our time. It is amazing to see how anything in our home, neighborhood and even city can be connected. Being part of enabling that connectivity is pretty special.” said Barak Schlosser of the product marketing group.

TIs customers are thrilled to be able to create products in one-half of the time it use to take due to the integration and simplicity of the development process. They also appreciate the groundbreaking low power capabilities of the device and customers have started developing Wi-Fi based products for markets that did not even consider Wi-Fi up until now.


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