
The 5 crazy things you can ship online to annoy or confuse people

Online shopping was made for pranking

Earlier this month, I wrote a detailed guide outlining how to prank people in your immediate circle with a harmless, fake Windows “virus,” but for those preferring to avoid direct contact with another person’s computer — either for fear of contamination or reprisal — rest assured, there are other pranks you can enact thanks to the glory of online shipping. Beneath of five of the most gags within “good taste.”

1.) The glitterbomb
The glitterbomb is exactly as the name would imply; a bomb full of glitter. Using a service called Ship Your Enemies Glitter , customers can — for the price of $21.99 — mail a spring-loaded package that will erupt glitter everywhere when opened by the recipient. Here’s a GIF of someone’s father intrusively opening that someone’s mail only to find a glitter-infused booby-trap. That’ll show him!

2.) Snow
Tired of being taunted by your west coast friends for living in what feels like a state of perpetual winter here in the east? Well, thanks to a Boston-based online service called Ship Snow, Yo! , you’re able to ship a box of snow to anywhere in the United States. The package contains six pounds of premium New England snow, enough to build more than enough snowballs. But if you’re feeling a tad adventurous (and wealthy), the $199 option lets you upgrade to 22lbs of snow.
Snow bro
3.) Insects
Entomophobia, which is a fancy way of saying fear of insects, can really be exploited through the Internet’s ability to ship 1,500 ladybugs to unsuspecting foulers, for there exists a seller on called “Bug Sales ” whom specializes in selling live insects and eggs. Other listings include praying mantis egg case with two mantises in addition to 2,000 live adult predatory mites. The best part: Bug Sales offers next day shipping!
Bug Sales
4.) Exotic animal dung
For the starting price of $24.00, a website calling itself promises to anonymously mail a friend, or enemy, a fresh dollop of animal manure. Choose from either cow, elephant, gorilla, or mail a gallon of all three for roughly $55.00. That’s a small price to pay for sending a message to that one colleague who repeatedly festers on the bowl, polluting the entire hallway on a daily basis. Think about it. 

Animal Dung
One customer identified only as Mary from San Francisco, CA attests: “I sent a pile of poop to my neighbor that lets her dog shit in everybody's yard. She must have gotten the message because now she carries a plastic bag around with her and actually cleans up after the dog. She never did that before. Thanks for a job well done.”

5.) Nothing
Perhaps the most absurd and pretentious item on the list is a nice helping of nothing. Shipyourfriendsnothing lets you confuse friends and family by mailing them empty envelopes, document envelopes, boxes, or fragile boxes on your behalf; it’s a guaranteed way to disappoint, especially when the package arrives bearing a handwritten address. 

Or perhaps your superior intellect has inadvertently convinced the person that you’ll do their share of the work because you’re the smart one. Well now they can think again! Nothing says stupid like a nice ol’empty box sent through the mail. 

Source: Dailydot


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