Many innovative commercial products find their origin with NASA. Spinoffs, as these products are called, owe their conception to NASA related funding, research, licensing, and facilities. But strategic alliances between the Johnson Space Center and the private sector play an increasing role in the further development of commercial spaceflight and exploration.
Outside of aerospace and the human conditioning for space travel, the JSC has multiple fields of world class expertise that are applicable to commercial ventures: avionics communication and software, radiation-resistant hardware, structure and materials development, integrated power, thermal management, mechanical separation, integrated spacecraft propulsion, and more. Partnering with commercial entities brings innovations to the market and further enhances NASA's core competencies. In light of this, the JSC has established the Strategic Opportunities and Partnerships Development Office (SOPD) to provide an easier point of access for private entities wishing to partner with NASA.
The Morpheus Project is new tech that tests green propellant propulsion systems. Developed by JSC, it may one day serve as a jump-off point for a commercial enterprise.
The Technology Transfer & Commercialization Office is the SOPD's key initiator in exploring innovative partnership models to enhance the accessibility of NASA's resources, as well as establish the guidelines for the commercialization of NASA-sponsored research and development.
Small businesses are also included in the JSC effort to propagate innovation. To that end, the JSC Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) projects were established.
By Maximilian Teodorescu