I recently came across a lighting survey that I found to be interesting, but not surprising, because it shows a significant uptick in awareness of LED lighting and, logically, followed by an increase of LED purchases. The information came from the eighth annual SYLVANIA Socket Survey, which provides a nationwide measure of public attitudes about energy-efficient lighting and awareness of lighting trends. At the 50,000-foot level, the survey found lighting to be one of the top forms of smart technology that Americans own, with a 40% increase since 2015. The constant push by the lighting and sensor manufacturers to make consumers aware of the new capabilities of smart lighting is working.
The results showed that more than 60% of Americans believe that smart lighting fits their lifestyle, and 55% confirmed that they’re likely to purchase smart lighting when they need new bulbs. The survey also showed 76% of Americans agree that smart light bulbs will eventually replace regular light bulbs. As LEDs continue to grow in popularity, the survey found that 38% of consumers have switched to LEDs since the phase-out of incandescent bulbs, making LEDs the number one replacement option for Americans. This is a 27% increase compared to last year! The survey also found that nearly 70% of Americans have purchased at least one LED bulb, with 48% having purchased at least one LED bulb in the last 12 months — a 17% increase over last year. These changes seem to indicate a shift in the way we think about lighting, because it is no longer just a single-function product; it can do more than just produce light in a certain area. We can connect devices, making them smart by having them sense when to turn on/off, dim, and make decisions by programming or by built-in algorithm. LED lighting puts us in a position where we can now create personalized lighting to mitigate circadian disruption, optimize mood and visual experience, and improve our sense of wellbeing, in better ways than ever before.
Additional findings from the 2016 SYLVANIA Socket Survey include:
- 65% of consumers have heard of smart lighting, placing it in the top tier of smart technologies, along with thermostats (68%) and house alarms (66%).
- 80% percent of Americans say that there is some space in the home that could benefit from smart lighting.
- Those more likely to purchase smart lighting include Americans who:
- get lighting information from the internet (68% percent),
- already own LEDs (61%),
- earn more than $100,000 (64%), or
- are under the age of 35 (63%).
According to the survey, smart-connected lighting adoption will continue to rise, which means that the LED lighting manufacturers will continue to respond by developing the next generation of lighting and accessories to meet this demand. The need for interoperability through the use of open standards will also allow more people to benefit from this technology, and is why partnering with other manufacturers in this space will be important. For more info, visit sylvania.com/socketsurvey .