Despite the name, ACTON’s RocketSkates aren’t actually powered by rockets, but rather by motors and battery packs. Each skate contains two hub motors, which are controlled by an on-board microprocessor and powered by a lithium-ion battery pack. The skates’ range varies from 6 to 10 miles, depending on which version of skate you buy, and battery charging time ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.
They might look a bit outlandish, but the RocketSkates are actually pretty functional if you’re looking for a new way to get around. Unlike their predecessor, SpinKix, the RocketSkates are controlled by the wearer’s feet, not a remote control. They also are able to communicate with each other, to ensure that both skates are moving with the same speed and direction, and they work with any type of shoe. It’s even possible to walk up stairs while wearing them, as you can see in ACTON’s RocketSkates Kickstarter Campaign video.
ACTON seems to want to create a whole community of RcketSkaters, as the skates come with Bluetooth and an app for the latest iPhone and Android OS, through which users can track and share their location, routes, and even play interactive games with other users. Their SDK also allows for individual developers to create new games.
The Kickstarter campaign, which will close this Friday, August 22, has already raised over $450,000, well above the $50,00 needed to cover porduction costs. ACTON plans to start shipping to backers within the U.S. this October.
By MaryElizabeth Koepele
Story via Mashable
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