Printed photovoltaics and batteries have reached a technological critical mass, according to research by Cambridge, U.K.-based consulting firm IDTechEx. Demand for power is expanding, and the market for thin-film photovoltaics is blossoming beyond silicon and is expected to reach $1 billion in 2012 and $6 billion in 2014.
The report, “Printed and Thin Film Photovoltaics and Batteries,” by Bruce Kahn and Raghu Das, thoroughly analyzes the subject. It covers the science and the manufacturing of the thin-film photovoltaic technology. Future trends are identified with comparisons of the good and the bad of the various options and forecasts for the future.
The use of inorganic and organic materials and device structures are examined and compared as are the various forms of high-speed printing employed in thin-film technology. These thin film photovoltaics represent the most promising technology for significantly beating the cost of conventional solar amorphous or crystalline silicon electrical systems. Thin film has the potential to provide low-cost ac-mains solar power by using nonsilicon solar cells and low-cost plastic substrates. The report also describes several successful applications, including toys, cards, personal electronics, and smart skin patches.
Europe is the leader in printed and thin-film photovoltaic development with a broad platform of R&D institutes, small startups and large companies. In particular, energy-conscious politicians are driving development through large subsidies of both manufacture and installation. Major political decisions are about to further increase both the awareness and the broad use of photovoltaics in Europe. In Italy, every new house has to use solar energy thus creating a huge market for all kinds of technologies, photovoltaic as well as solar-thermal. To learn more and view sample pages of the report, see
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