For every useful product invented, there are dozens of doozies that rarely make the cut of functionality. Let’s revel in the bizarre inventions of the past for this week’s Throwback Tech.
The Isolator
The first wearable tech? This hood with an attached oxygen tank allowed users to isolate themselves, finding quiet environs inside this device.
Single Wheel Motorcycle – 1931
Motorized Surfboard – 1948
Baby Stroller protected from gas attacks – 1938
Radio Hat – 1931's version of the iPod
Contraption for smoking in the rain – 1931
Face cones to protect your visage from snow and rain — 1939
Revolver Camera — A gun that took a photo before firing a shot was invented in 1938.
All-terrain vehicle – 1931
A bicycle that fits an entire family and sewing maching – 1939
An electronic sock for drying hair was invented before the hairdryer.
Glasses for reading while lying down – 1936
Safety net for cars to prevent injuries to pedestrians – 1924
Apparatus to smoke two cigarettes simultaneously – 1932
In 1926, a portable and extendable bridge was invented so you could cross that gap whenever needed.
Device that teaches a child to walk – 1939
A piano you can play while lying down — 1935
Radio Stroller
Fully equipped with an antenna, loudspeaker, this stroller was invented to lull babies to sleep in public places.
Story via Brainpickings, Gizmodo
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