This post sponsored by Texas Instruments.
The TI PRU Cape is a BeagleBone Black add-on board that allows users get to know TI’s powerful Programmable Real-Time Unit (PRU) core and basic functionality.
The PRU is a low-latency microcontroller subsystem integrated in the Sitara AM335x and AM437x family of devices. The PRU core is optimized for deterministic, real-time processing, direct access to I/Os and ultra-low-latency requirements. It includes LEDs (PRU0 and PRU1) and push buttons for GPIO, audio, and a temp sensor. Together the BeagleBone Black and PRUCAPE are an ideal EVM solution to begin PRU development on the Sitara platform. The BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black have a compatible plug-in board, a.k.a. cape. The cape offers quick development and evaluation of the PRU integrated in Sitara processors. It leverages sample code included in the TI Linux Software Development Kit. Temperature sensor monitoring uses an one-wire interface. Another feature is hardware UART to PRU subsystem. There is an LCD connector for optional character display available, too. The cape has an audio jack connection output, as well as dual GPIO push button switch.
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