
Tiny ADC delivers superior dynamic performance, lowest power

Tiny ADC delivers superior dynamic performance, lowest power

Designed for medical imaging and communications applications, the four-channel, 16-bit, 125-Msamples/s AD9653 A/D converter delivers a high dynamic range: an SNR of 77.5 dBFS at 70 MHz (VREF = 1.3 V) and SFDR of 90 dBc (to Nyquist). The part offers a low power of 164 mW per channel at 125 Msample/s with scalable power option.

Tiny ADC delivers superior dynamic performance, lowest power

Additional features include 650-MHz full power analog bandwidth, a serial LVDS digital output (ANSI-644 or reduced power mode similar to IEEE-1596.3)

It is offered in a 7 x 7-mm 48-pin LFCSP non-magnetic package and can be used safely within the magnetic field of an MRI system. This allows the converter to be placed closer to the signal of interest, which can increase the image quality and throughput while reducing the overall component count. ($250.00 — available now)

By Christina Nickolas

Analog Devices , Wilmington , MA
Sales 800-262-5643


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