Tiny MOSFET has 495-mΩ on-resistance
The Si8445DB power MOSFET features a 0.59-mm profile and an on-resistance of 0.495 Ω at 1.2-V VGS to 0.084 Ω at 4.5-V VGS.
It is a 20-V p-channel TrenchFET power MOSFET in a microfoot chip-scale package.
The MOSFET has a 1.2 x 1.0-mm footprint. Typical applications include low-threshold load switching, charger switching, and
battery management in portable devices such as cell phones, PDAs, digital cameras, MP3 players, and smart phones. ($0.15 ea/100,000
available now.)
Vishay Intertechnology , Malvern , PA
Information 619-336-0860
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