Make sure you know where the cutouts need to be and what tolerances are acceptable. Some components, such as a switch, may be connected to the PCB with a flexible cable, in which case the exact position of the cutout is not critical.
However, with a component like a data port that’s mounted on the PCB, the cutout must be positioned precisely in relation to the PCB mounting bosses. Tolerances depend on the precision of the equipment used, so ask the supplier of your components to verify the product’s tolerances so that the enclosure supplier provides a turn-key modification for you.
Remember that two holes can be within tolerance and still not fit your design. If one hole is offset slightly to the left and the other is offset slightly to the right, the combined distance may be significant. Inform your supplier which cut has the most critical tolerance so the other cuts can be made in relation to it.
Other considerations you should keep in mind to streamline your modification order are:
Mounting . Are internal or external mounting provisions required? Your supplier may be able to add tapped holes or preassemble mounting brackets.
Grounding . Will certain areas or enclosure components need to be masked for continuity? Are ground points or studs needed? Suppliers can address these needs for you.
Draft angles . Cast boxes typically have a 1 to 2 degree taper, which enables the casting to be removed from the mold. This angle may affect mounted components, and should be taken into consideration when making modifications.
Wall thickness . Some components have minimum wall thickness that that they can mount to or maximum wall thicknesses that they can mount through.
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