Model Builder Program (MBP), Model Quality Assurance (MQA), and Advanced Model Analysis (AMA) Software are tools suited for generating and qualifying SPICE Models. The MBP 2012.07 offers turnkey solutions for SPICE model extraction. It offers unique features and is used mostly for high-volume, high-efficiency model generation at foundries and integrated device manufacturers, and for SPICE library customization at leading-edge fabless companies to enable concurrent circuit designs.
The MQA 2012.07 serves as a platform for performing automated, comprehensive, and systematic SPICE model qualification. It is the de facto industry-standard tool for SPICE library signoff at foundries and IDMs, and for SPICE library acceptance in design houses.
The AMA 2012.07 meets the need for SPICE model and layout-versus-schematic covalidation for cutting-edge technologies where layout-dependent effects have become prevalent due to performance-enhancing processing techniques.
(MBP and MQA, from $28,000; AMA, from $47,000 — available now.)
By Christina Nickolas
Agilent Technologies , Santa Clara , CA
Janet Smith 970-679-5397
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