
TPS3847 is a 380-nA Voltage Monitor for 12-V rails

TPS3847 provides an active-low reset signal when VCC supply voltage drops

This post sponsored by Texas Instruments.

The TPS3847 family consists of wide operating voltage, ultra-low-current devices that monitor the voltage at the supply pin.


The device asserts an active-low reset signal whenever the VCC supply voltage drops below the factory-trimmed reset threshold voltage. The reset output remains asserted for 20 ms (maximum) after the VCC voltage rises above the threshold voltage. The ultra-low current consumption of 380 nA combined with 18-V capability makes the TPS3847 ideal for use in low-power and portable applications. Potential applications are portable and battery-powered equipment, desktop computers, notebooks, ultrabooks, industrial systems, servers, and security systems. The TPS3847 features precision, factory-trimmed threshold voltages and extremely low-power operation. it is available in an industry-standard, 5-pin, SOT package.

Also worth noting, the TPS3847 has a wide voltage range of 4.5 V to 18 V and high threshold accuracy of ±2.5%. The device features internal hysteresis and push-pull output, as well as a specified operating temperature range of –40°C to +85°C. 

By: Rachel Kalina

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