TRADE NEWS: Agilent Technologies to Demonstrate Newest Test Solutions for Microwave, RF, Wireless, Radar at European Microwave Week
SANTA CLARA, Sept. 27, 2011 – Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced it will show its newest test and measurement solutions in microwave, RF, wireless and radar for telecommunications, transportation and medical markets at European Microwave Week (Stand G301), Oct. 11-13, Manchester Central, Manchester, England.
These industry-leading solutions enable R&D, design and manufacturing engineers to develop and deliver innovative products.
An eight-year platinum sponsor of European Microwave Week, Agilent also will host a comprehensive series of workshops and technical programs.
Agilent will demonstrate the following applications and products:
Design software to quickly turn ideas into products
EMPro features a modern, efficient 3-D solid modeling environment, integration with ADS Design Flow and frequency and time domain simulation.
SystemVue offers integrated baseband and RF/uW system level analysis, superior RF/uW modeling capabilities and easy-to-use links to measurement equipment.
Network analysis for a wide range of microwave applications
Agilent’s five new PNA microwave vector network analyzer models up to 67 GHz, are the highest-performing microwave network analyzers for passive and active device test. Agilent’s award-winning Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzer provides the critical leap in technology to go beyond linear S-parameters with X-parameters *, allowing engineers to efficiently and accurately analyze and design active devices under real-world operating conditions. The E5072A ENA series network analyzer (30 kHz to 4.5/8.5 GHz), offers enhanced functionality, output power up to +20 dBm, at an affordable price. It has a configurable test set that allows access to the instrument’s internal source and receivers, which extends its dynamic range of forward measurements up to 151 dB.
The E5071C ENA series network analyzer (9 kHz to 8.5 GHz or 300 kHz to 20 GHz), offers renewed digital hardware – without any price increase. The new hardware delivers up to 30 percent faster measurement cycle time than before.
Signal generation and analysis for design, verification and deployment
Agilent’s new high-performance PXA signal analyzer supports up to 900 MHz of intermediate-frequency bandwidth, enabling it to act as a broadband down converter for analysis of wideband communications and radar signals. Plus, the PXA signal analyzer with its160-MHz bandwidth capability provides valuable insight that helps speed the design, verification and troubleshooting of current devices utilizing 802.11ac and easily addresses critical performance requirements.
When combined with the 89600 VSA software ’s802.11ac modulation analysis (the first dedicated 802.11ac signal analysis solution), the PXA enables high-performance and comprehensive analysis of 802.11ac signals.
The Agilent Signal Studio for WLAN software aids in the creation of 802.11ac waveforms with BCC or LDPC channel coding, all MCS codes, and single or multiuser MIMO up to four streams. Generation of up to 80-MHz bandwidth signals are supported with Agilent’s ESG, MXG or PSG vector signal generators and the PXB baseband generator and channel emulator.
Modular PXI and AXIe test solutions
Agilent’s award-winning AXIe-based M8190A 12-GSa/sec Arbitrary Waveform Generator, provides wide bandwidth and high resolution simultaneously in one device. The demonstration will include the integration with SystemVue and Agilent’s wideband waveform creator software.
The wide-bandwidth streaming capability of the M9392A PXI vector signal analyzer and M9202A digitizer provide the industry’s highest bandwidth, PXI-based, continuous data capture (up to 100 MHz bandwidth) to a RAID storage solution. The new data capture solution uses Agilent 89600B vector signal analysis software to characterize complex, time-varying signals or a customer-developed data analysis tool.
The new M9036A modular PXIe embedded controller enables a compact modular solution. The three-slot controller is designed to take advantage of the x8 PCI Express® links of the Agilent M9018A PXIe chassis. Together they provide customers with a high-throughput PXI test platform for peer-to-peer applications. With its built-in GPIB, USB, ExpressCard, and LAN interfaces, the controller also integrates easily into hybrid test systems.
Agilent’s PXI-based RF and uW test systems offer increased measurement accuracy and flexibility. The M9168C DC to 26.5 GHz PXI programmable step attenuator module provides unmatched RF performance with guaranteed 0.03 dB insertion loss repeatability throughout the operating life of 5 million cycles per section.
Additional demonstrations
The Agilent 8990B peak power analyzer measures the dynamic or time-dependent aspects of RF and microwave power to generate peak power analysis. A combination of the 8990B and the N1923/4A peak-power sensor enables RF pulse rise/fall time measurement of up to 5 nsecs. The 8990B has a frequency range of 50 MHz to 40 GHz and a dynamic power range of –35 dBm to 20 dBm.
The Agilent scanning microwave microscopeand field emission scanning electron microscope incorporate a powerful atomic force microscope and a PNA to provide accurate scanning capacitance measurement at nanoscale.
Agilent’s Compact FE_SEM is optimized for extremely high-resolution, low-voltage imaging of nanostructured materials.
Agilent’s 40/50/67 GHz SPDT/Bypass switches offer the ability to expand signal-routing options. The N1810/1/2 are the only switches on the market today to include 67 GHz. These switches are ideal for radar and satellite test, wireless HDMI, microwave backhaul radio, and high-speed digital design applications.
Agilent will also host several technology partners at the show, showcasing antenna, probing, load pull and noise parameter applications. For additional information and registration, visit
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