Transformers comply
with IEEE 802.3u
The S558-5999–T5 and –U5 surface-mount
magnetic transformer modules conform to IEEE
802.3u and boast an extended operating
temperature range of –40° to 85°C.
The units interface with all major manufacturers
transceivers including Level One's LXT971 and
AMD's NetPhy-1LP devices.
Additional specifications include meeting ANSI x
3.263 standards, including 350 µH OCL with
8-mA bias, and providing an isolation voltage of
1,500 Vrms. The devices have insertion losses of
–1 dB from 100 kHz to 100 MHz, return losses
of as low as –12 dB min from 60 to 80 MHz,
and crosstalk as low as –35 dB min at 100
MHz. (From $2 ea/10,000–stock to 6 weeks ARO.)
Bel Fuse
Jersey City, NJ
Sales 800-BEL-FUSE
Fax 201-432-9542