This article introduces some of the research and content of the new IDTechEx report “Transparent Conductive Films (TCF) 2014-2024: Forecasts, Technologies, Players“.The transparent conductive film (TCF) and glass (TCG) market is booming and at the same time rapidly changing. This report provides a variety of detailed market forecasts for many applications.
New market drivers
The transparent conducive film and glass markets are complex and fragmented along many application lines. The market is booming with growth being fuelled mostly by tablets and penetration of touch capability in more mobile phones, notebooks and monitors. OLED lighting, OPV and DSSCs are also potentially large area markets, although growth here will initially be slow due to strong competition, prevailing unfavourable market conditions and low technology market-readiness levels.
The market is also being transformed fast. New applications and market trends are changing the requirement landscape, and in many instances stretching it beyond what the incumbent solution can readily achieve. The key drivers are market tendencies towards the following:
(a) large-sized devices
(b) low power consumption
(c) minimal reflection
(d) thinness
(e) robustness and/or flexibility
(f) ease of patterning
(g) simplified value chain
(h) low cost
A vast multitude of technologies and players worldwide are emerging and/or re-positioning to fight for a slice of this booming yet intensely competitive market space. These technologies include silver nanowires, organic transparent conductors, carbon nanotubes, graphene, fine wire, and a variety of metal mesh and novel nanoparticle-based solutions.
Complex range of options
The multiplicity of options is giving rise to market uncertainty and confusion. Indeed, the decision-making and investment process is made more complex by the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all solution and/or a clear winner. This is because each technology option presents several trade-offs between sheet resistance, transmittance, flexibility, haze, cost and compatibility with existing value chain; while each players is working off a different business plan and technology portfolio/capability.
Full analysis and assessment
This report provides a detailed and complete assessment of incumbent and emerging technology solutions. For each technology, IDTechEx assess production method, key cost drives, key figures-of-merit including sheet resistance, optical transmission, haze, flexibility, surface smoothness, stability, etc. IDTechEx provides a SWOT analysis for each technology. Moreover, IDTechEx identifies all suppliers globally, outlining their commercialisation progress.
Market intelligence
Over 100 companies are profiled including over 35 detailed profiles based on direct interviews and company visits. The rest are profiled based on conference attendance, tradeshow visits, patent searchers and/or web searches.
For more information see “Transparent Conductive Films (TCF) 2014-2024: Forecasts, Technologies, Players.”
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