
Trump vs Clinton — where do the presidential nominees stand on technology?

A look at the technology policy for the Republican and Democratic nominees for president

Now that both parties have formally identified their presidential nominees, it’s important to take a look at the policies and programs that they plan to implement should either win the election.

While there are a bevy of strategies to explore, perhaps most pertinent to this industry is where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton stand on technology.

Trump Clinton Technology
A quick google search on the topic reveals a number of articles that are journalistically slanted or otherwise skewed by the writer’s opinion on the matter — things like the suggestion that Trump has an ongoing feud with Silicon Valley, or that Clinton’s technology agenda is not good enough. 

It goes without saying that there a number of hot button issues in this election, and an article like this can certainly favor one client over the other. So, rather than put one’s personal political perspective into the article, the following is a simple summary of what the two candidates have proposed thus far. 

Trump: Implement regulations that better support trade, labor, and security policies
Trump has gone on the record numerous times stating his desires to curb the amount of free trading that the US does with its overseas partners; specifically, trade with China. His team refers to it as “fair trade” and one idea that falls under this umbrella term which has gained the interest of the tech community is the notion of tackling China’s technology-sharing mandates, which requires US companies to share patents with local partners in order to enter the Chinese market. Trump has gone on the record stating he would end this practice altogether.

In terms of labor, Trump has been extremely vocal about illegal immigration, and how this has negatively influenced the country’s workforce. Specific to the tech industry, Trump has gone on record with a plan to increase mandated wage levels for workers that arrive with H-1B visas; he has also stated American-based companies should favor hiring American-born workers over recruiting employees from other countries. Worth noting in this regard is that Trump has not taken an official stance on STEM education in this country. 

Trump has been quoted in numerous interviews as being skeptical of the technology sector’s overall economic value. Specifically, he has questioned its free flow of information, arguably the sector’s driving principle at the moment, as well as the concept of consumer privacy protection. To the latter point, he has proposed closing down parts of the Internet where the radical terrorist group ISIS exchanges its messages, and said that Bill Gates can help him with this. 

Lastly, Trump has been very critical of Apple, both for building iPhones in China, and for refusing to help the FBI with building a security backdoor into its products. He’s also called for the execution of former CIA employee / NSA contractor Edward Snowden, for his role in leaking classified information related to the NSA’s global surveillance programs.

Clinton: A Silicon Valley wish list 
Clinton has gone on the record stating that she wants the Federal government to increase access to capital for startups; specifically, those outside major capital zones, and favoring businesses run by women and entrepreneurs. In terms of dollars and cents, this would require doubling the funding for the State Small Business Credit initiative, which was launched in 2010 with $1.5 billion. 

The democratic nominee has also stated a desire to increase investment in STEM education. She has also stated that she would lengthen student loan deferments for young entrepreneurs and early startup employees for up to three years, and even go so far as to implement a loan forgiveness plan if these companies are located in areas identified as distressed communities. 

In terms of infrastructure, Clinton supports the continued rollout of broadband options, though she has not been specific in going against cable monopolies in calling for affordable, high-speed Internet for all. In avoiding this stance, experts now question the legitimacy of her promise to bring this type of service to all communities by 2020, suggesting it is not practical.

Clinton has gone on the record as being against net neutrality, though it is worth pointing out that she has also stated that she “rejects the false choice” between national security and privacy. Details of this personal view have not yet been expounded upon beyond her call to set up a commission to balance law enforcement and privacy concerns. 

Finally, Clinton has been widely criticized by both parties for her use of a private email server to conduct government business while she was secretary of state. Critics suggest this decision demonstrates a lack of understanding in terms of communications protocols, as well as a commitment to an open government. As many are aware, numerous investigations into the matter have not resulted in any sort of formal indictment. 

How Trump and Clinton approach technology is of greater importance than the general voter probably realizes. That’s because the speed with which commerce and communication solutions are being introduced by this particular sector is having a severe influence on many established industries (think AirBnB vs the hotel industry, Uber vs the Taxi commissions) as well as cultural norms (the dawning of the Internet of Things in homes, and all of the likely security issues that will likely result from it). Whoever is elected, will have to take a firm stance on several different types of issues as it relates to this particular sector, and go beyond the shallow promises made for the sole purpose of locking in a target group’s votes.


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