The voltage-output TS1102 current-sense amplifiers are form-factor identical and electrical improvements to the MAX9938 and the MAX9634 current-sense amplifiers. The TS1102 is the latest addition to the TS1100 family of current-sense amplifiers. Consuming a very low 1μA supply current, the TS1102 high-side current-sense amplifiers combine a 200-μV (max) VOS and a 0.5% (max) gain error for cost-sensitive applications. For all high-side currentsensing
applications, the TS1102 features a wide input common-mode voltage range from 2V to 25V.
The SOT23 package makes the TS1102 an ideal choice for pcb-area-critical, low-current, highaccuracy current-sense applications in all batterypowered, remote or hand-held portable instruments.
All TS1102s are specified for operation over the -40°C to +105°C extended temperature range.
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