Ideally suited for all 2-cell batterymanagement/monitoring applications, the nanopower TS9001-1/2 analog comparators guarantee +1.6V operation, draw very little supply current, and have robust input stages that can tolerate input voltages beyond the power supply. Both products are Touchstone Semiconductor’s first analog comparator products in its “NanoWatt Analog” high-performance analog integrated circuits portfolio. The TS9001-1/2 draw 600nA of supply current and include an onboard +1.252V±1% reference. These comparators are also electrically and form-factor identical to the MAX9117 and the MAX9118 family of analog comparators. Both comparators offer a 33% improvement in voltage reference initial accuracy and the TS9001-1 offers 73% higher output current drive.
The TS9001-1’s push-push output drivers were designed to drive 5mA loads from one supply rail to the other supply rail. The TS9001-2’s open-drain output stage makes it easy to incorporate this analog comparator into systems that operate on different supply voltages. The TS9001-1/2 are available in space-saving 5-pin SC70 packages.
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