Unique design powersbrush dc motors Powered by a coreless design featuring a proprietary self-supporting coil and magnetic circuit, the Athlonix high-power-density brush dc motors maximize magnetic flux and turn-density for a given diameter to enable a low motor-regulation factor with energy efficiency approaching 90%. The dc motors provide maximum continuous torque up to 16.5 mNm and desirable angular acceleration resulting in quick and efficient acceleration to the desired speed.CSRR14_DEC2008Available in 12-, 16-, and 22-mm frame sizes, the motors come in weights from 15 to 53 g, depending on frame size, and output power is up to 9 W. (Contact Nicole Monaco for pricing and availability.)Portescap, West Chester, PANicole Monaco 610-235-5499sales.america@portescap.comhttp://www.portescap.com
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