Mar 1-4: 2010 11th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (MicroRad 2010), . The goal of MicroRad 2010 is to offer the microwave radiometry community an opportunity to share new research results, instrument designs, innovative techniques and technologies in the field of passive microwave remote sensing.
Location: Hilton Embassy Row Hotel, Washington, DC, USA
Apr 12-13: 2010 IEEE 11th Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference: An IEEE Industry/ Government/Education Conf. (WAMICON), . The program includes oral presentations, poster presentations, workshops, and tutorials in up-to-date aspects of wireless and RF technology.
Location: Crown Plaza Melbourne Oceanfront, Melbourne, FL, USA
Apr 12-14: 2010 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, , The IEEE Sarnoff Symposium has been bringing together a tremendous and rich diversity of telecom experts from industry, universities, and government.
Location: Princeton, NJ, USA
Apr 14-16: 2010 IEEE International Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID 2010), . This conference addresses the theoretical, technical, and implementation issues related to RF-based identification and communications systems.
Location: Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL, USA
May 3-6: ANTENNAS: Principles, Design, and Measurements, A four-day short course which will cover the fundamental antenna concepts and modern applications, including antennas for wireless, and more.
Location: ARINC Conference Center, Annapolis, Maryland
Mar 23-25: International CTIA Wireless,, This show brings together the wireless and converged communications, wireless broadband, mobile web computing and data industries.
Location: Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV
May 23-28: 2010 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium – MTT 2010, Reports of research and development at the state-of-the-art of the theory and techniques related to the technology and applications of devices, components, circuits, modules and systems in the RF, microwave, millimeter-wave, submillimeter-wave and Terahertz ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Location: Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA, USA
May 23-25: 2010 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), The RFIC Symposium focuses in RFIC design, system engineering, system simulation, design methodology, RFIC circuits fabrication, testing and packaging.
Location: Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA, USA
Mar 15-17: 2010 German Microwave Conference (GeMiC 2010), . Topics will include areas under Passive Components and Modules, Active Devices and Circuits, RF-MEMS and Tuneable Components, Antennas and Antenna Arrays, Radar, Sensors, and Imaging, Microwave Systems and UWB, Millimetre- and Submillimetre-Waves, Electromagnetics and Numerical Techniques, Propagation and Channel Modeling, EMC, Linear and Nonlinear Modeling, Measurement Techniques.
Location: Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Apr 19-21: 2010 15th Conference on Microwave Techniques (COMITE 2010), . This conference addresses Microwave techniques, antennas, optoelectronics, computational electromagnetics.
Location: Hotel Myslivna, Brno, Czech Republic
Apr 20: 2010 2nd International Workshop on Near Field Communication – NFC’10, The international workshop on Near Field Communication (NFC) will bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of RF & hardware related topics, smartcards & security, applications & services and usability & user experience. The workshop is ideal for addressing the challenges facing the research, development, design, manufacture, deployment and fundamental limits.
Location: Grimaldi Forum, Monaco, Monaco
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