USB DAQ units can have analog inputs doubled
The USB-2416 and USB-2416-4AO 24-bit analog-input data-acquisition modules have 16 differential or 32 single-ended analog inputs, eight digital I/O lines, and two 32-bit counters; the -4AO also provides four analog outputs. An optional AI-EXP32 expansion module can double those analog inputs.
The units have nine software-selectable input ranges, from ±0.078 to ±20 V, and any analog input can be configured for thermocouples. The modules provide 1,000-sample/s aggregate throughput and have built-in cold-junction compensation and open thermocouple detection. (USB-2416, $1,099; USB-2416-4AO, $1,299; AI-EXP32, $649 — DAQ modules available now; expander, May 15.)
Measurement Computing , Norton , MA
Dan Mandill 508-946-5100, ext. 219
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