The Digital Video Infrastructure Platform features from three to eleven fixed-point DSPs, equating to as much as 50,000 MIPS, and can be augmented by closely coupled Xilinx Virtex-4 FX60 FPGAs. The board’s flexible and portable FC100 floating-point FFT IP-Core, implemented in the FPGA, uses a radix-32 architecture and requires few external memory resources.
A single IP-Core processes 42 frames/s of a video 2-D transform on single 1,024 x 1,024 imagestaking less than half of the 128 XtremeDSPT slices available on a Virtex-4 FX60. The DVIP has three of these FPGAs standard, and up to four more can be added. The unit’s carrier board offers SATA, USB 2.0, FireWire, 1-Gbit Ethernet, RS-232/485, and LVDS interfaces. (From $25,000—available now.)
Sundance Multiprocessor Technology
Buckinghamshire, England, U.K.
Flemming Christensen 011-44-(0)1494-793167