
Viewpoint: Sex discrimination in engineering

Sex discrimination in engineering

Not too long ago I attended an exhibit showcase in Orlando, FL. One of the participating exhibitors I visited was a company that specializes in deep-submicron modeling and reliability simulation.

I introduced myself to one of the two gentlemen in the booth. He handed me a press kit, smiled, and went on talking to other people. I tried to get his attention again for a demonstration of the product, and he finally saw me and approached me again. When I asked him for a demonstration, he smiled at me, and said it was “too technical” while pointing at my editor's badge.

“This is too technical for you.” Why did this guy act this way? Was he discriminating against me? Was it because I am a member of the press or that I am a female? I struggled to keep an open mind, but my thought kept drifting back to the fact that I am a woman. Angry and frustrated, I searched around to find a male member of the press to see if I could confirm this guy's male chauvinist attitude toward me. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful and decided to leave before I would say or do anything that was inappropriate. Yes, as a female engineer, I have experienced discrimination and have learned to deal with it. However, this time I didn't know if it was because I am a member of the press, a woman, or if he was just plain lazy. It is hard to believe that we have reached the 21st century, as well as a new millennium, and there are still people out there that judge you by your gender. What a shame! What this gentlemen didn't know was that I do have the credentials to listen to his so-called “too technical” demonstration. Having a master's degree in EE and also working in the engineering field for more than 10 years should qualify me to see the demo. I hope that Mr. Exhibitor is reading this so that maybe next time a woman stops by his booth, instead of completely refusing to demonstrate his product, he will ask the person how much technical detail he should get into. Otherwise, his product might miss out on editorial exposure or even a possible buyer. Christina Nickolas, Associate Editor


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