Virtual parts replace hardware prototypes
Motorola, Inc.and Analogy, Inc.are teaming up to develop virtual
prototypes of electronic power devices. These are software models of newly
designed components that will be used in place of actual samples for
customer evaluation. The agreement between the two companies promises to
reduce the design cycle time of such products–perhaps by as much as five
months in key automotive applications. According to Daniel Artusi,
director of Motorola's Power Products Operation, the agreement will
“revolutionize the way power products are developed and marketed.” The
use of virtual prototypes offers several advantages: the time and cost of
producing evaluation units is reduced; the evaluation process is initiated
sooner; the semiconductor vendor receives customer feedback regarding
design specifications; and time to market is shortened. “When customers
are given a virtual part and asked to really put it through its paces in
their own designs, we can get tremendously valuable feedback about design
modifications and performance improvements,” says Artusi. Under the
agreement, Motorola will provide proprietary process technology
information and Analogy will handle model development using its Saber
simulator. Analogy's MAST analog hardware description language is used to
model the virtual parts. MAST provides the ability to accurately model not
only analog and digital parts, but electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, and
other parts as well. According to Analogy, since the language uses native
units rather than electrical equivalents, the models are intuitive and
easy to use. MAST can also be used to accurately represent the loads that
the power components will drive, thus potentially saving customers
additional design and evaluation time. One of the first virtual parts
created is a temperature-sensitive MOSFET. The part has a conduction
capability of up to 40 A, a very low on-resistance, and a sensing circuit
that shuts the device off when it reaches a certain threshold temperature.
The virtual part accurately models the nonlinear capacitance and
hysteresis associated with the temperature shut-down stage (see photo).
The virtual parts library will ultimately comprise 50 parts ranging from
IGBTs and MOSFETs to flourescent ballast drivers. For more information on
virtual parts contact Doug Goodman of Analogy at 503-626-9700 () or Lora
Blaser of Motorola at 602-244-3467 (). –Richard Pell Jr.
The simulated performance of Motorola's temperature-sensitive FET in an
actual load scenario, modeled using Analogy's Saber simulator, accurately
reflects the part's nonlinear shut-down characteristics.