Tesla’s Summon feature is extremely neat: it allows the vehicle to autonomously exit or enter a parking space. Of course, it’s even cooler when you can command the car to do it from an Apple Watch.
Tesla car owner Mark Schey tested out the new feature via his smartwatch, recorded it in the video shown below, and found it works just as advertised.
The Summon feature is conventionally activated by pressing a button on your key fob or smartphone through a third-party app called Remote S for Tesla. Created by iOS developer Allen Wong, the app allows you to view basic information about your Tesla car, including its charging status, speed, position and temperature, as well as perform rudimentary tasks, such as starting the vehicle or unlocking it.
However, an updated version of the app, released last week, allows you to access Summon via the Apple Watch. To do so, you simply press hard on the map screen, tap the button, and the car will exit the garage on its own.
According to Wong, you can successfully use Summon even if the key fob is not near you (there is typically a 39-feet range limitation). Do note that this feature will only work if you press the “Keyless Start” button prior to using Summon.
The demonstration proves autonomous vehicles and features are the future as we see it. That is, if you can afford it of course.
Source: Mashable
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