Voice-coil driver IC includes complementary MOSFET outputs
Device provides higher level of integration than other solutions
The Si9961CY 12-V 1-A voice-coil motor (VCM) driver IC is offered as the
industry's first such device with complementary MOSFET outputs. Compared
with any other available solution, it is claimed to use less power and a
lower standby current, while providing a higher level of integration for
magnetic and optical disk-drive applications. The Si9961CY is designed to
replace discrete components such as a motor-current sense amplifier,
loop-compensation amplifier, and power amplifier. It combines
complementary n- and p-channel MOSFETs in an H-Bridge configuration
designed to drive the type of VCM typically found in 3-1/2-in. magnetic or
optical disk drives. The device provides gain-select, head-retract
circuitry, a system voltage monitor with fault output, and output
crossover protection to ensure no cross-conduction. Supply current is 2
and 5 mA, respectively, for Retract and Enable (low); in standby mode,
typical supply current ranges from 0.2 to 0.8 mA. The Si9961CY is
available in 24-pin SO packages. ($2.45 ea/100,000–available now.)
Siliconix Inc., Santa Clara, Inc. Information 800-554-5565, ext. 1800
The Si9961CY voice-coil motor driver IC contains all the power and
control circuitry needed to drive VCMs in 3-1/2-in. magnetic and optical
disk drives.