
Voice input processor SoC targets smart TVs

The CX20865 far-field voice input processor SoC is designed for voice interactive applications including smart TVs. The device includes 24-bit A/D converters, quad microphone input paths, automatic speech recognition engine, powerful dual-core 32-bit DSP, and power management functions.

The 9 x 9 mm BGA packaged chip uses proprietary far-field voice pre-processing algorithms and supports stand-alone wake-on-voice functionality. It has Selective Source Pickup technology that maintains speech recognition in the presence of random ambient interference. The device has full-speed USB and I2S I/Os for voice data, and I2C and UART interface for control. (From $5.50 ea/100,000 – samples available now.)

by Jim Harrison

Conexant Systems , Newport Beach , CA
Customer Support 949-483-4600


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