With a 3.5-in. color display, intuitive front panel, two output channels on all models, and PC waveform editing software, WaveStation series function/arbitrary waveform generators can create signals up to 50 MHz and offers. Not only does the WaveStation provide basic functions, such as sine, square, ramp, pulse and noise, but it also has over 40 built-in arbitrary waveforms.
Models are available with bandwidths of 10, 25, and 50 MHz, each with 125 Msample/s sampling rate, 14-bit resolution, and 16-kpts memory per channel. The instrument’s display lets users preview waveform shape along with various parameters, including frequency, amplitude, offset, and phase. WaveStation provides AM, PM, FM, ASK, PSK, FSK, PWM and other modulations schemes that can be controlled using the front panel, and all the necessary I/O connections for synchronization, as well as standard USB and GPIB interfaces. (From $990 to $3,450 at introduction available now.)
By Richard Comerford
LeCroy , Chestnut Ridge , NY
Customer Care Center 800-453-2769
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