
Waveguide terminations cooled with forced-air

Waveguide terminations cooled with forced-air

The AM-L4 rectangular-waveguide termination, which incorporates forced-air cooling as standard, enables it to offer a higher power-handling capability than convection-cooled alternatives. It suits testing and maintenance of radar systems and other high-power microwave equipment. The dummy loads are designed to safely absorb microwave signals with a mean power in excess of 1 kW.

The waveguide termination is available in a variety of different sizes to suit operating frequencies from 1.12 to 40 GHz and is equipped with an ac- or dc-input fan, together with an external cowling to direct the airflow over the cooling fins. Available options include temperature sensors and power samplers to allow monitoring of microwave power levels. (Contact company for price and availability.)

By Paul O’Shea

Link Microtek , Basingstoke , Hampshire , England
Sales 011-44-1256-355771


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