
We’re going to NASA!



We are lucky enough to get to go behind the scenes at NASA. We’re going to get an up close look the equipment, wind tunnels and more. We’ll also have access to the top engineers and researchers at NASA.

Our question to you is what would you like to see us do and explore while we are there? Ask Us Anything and we promise we will try our hardest to get all your questions answered. Just enter  your question(s) in the comments section below.

Who is going from ?

 B A DeLuca

 Bryan DeLuca  

Self-proclaimed Futurist, Technology Geek, Friend of All Things Electronic

Jeff Bausch

Jeff Bausch  

 Gadgetologist, Digital Explorer, Purveyor of the Written Word


Nicolette Emmino  

Seeker of Knowledge, Prolific Scribbler, Thinker  

You can also enter the Speed2Design Contest and possibly win a chance to join us.  

How do you enter? Simple – you spend the next 15 seconds filling out the form below: Form


Click “ENTER TO WIN” and then wait until July 24th to find out whether or not you made it on tour.

If you don’t make it this time, don’t worry — there’s still the Johnson Space Center tour, taking place Thursday, October 24th, which you could try qualifying for as well.  


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