Power supply designers should get a clearer picture in the coming weeks on the future efficiency requirements for External Power Supplies (EPS). With four EPS efficiency programs in various stages of revision, and a desire among agencies to harmonize with the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) program specifications, all eyes are on Washington to see what its final requirements will look like.
The DOE proposed revising its current EPS efficiency standard* in a March 2012 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR). The rulemaking has been delayed due to the large number of stakeholder comments and concerns that needed to be addressed. However, last month the DOE submitted the final program requirements to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget for approval. A decision is expected before the end of 2013.
Meanwhile, the European Commission (EC) is working on revisions to two of its EPS programs. Both programs adopt portions of the DOE proposed efficiency levels and supporting test data. The EC's voluntary Code of Conduct (CoC) version 5 harmonizes closely with the DOE's active mode efficiency and no-load power consumption requirements. It also includes a 10% load efficiency requirement not found in the U.S. standard. The EC's mandatory Ecodesign Directive EPS group is considering a consultant proposal adopting the CoC program requirements, but with effective dates 1 year later and no 10% load efficiency requirement.
Canada has also begun to update its EPS efficiency standard and is expected to fully harmonize with the DOE's final program requirements.
So, stay tuned for the latest EPS efficiency standard updates. I'll blog on the final DOE specifications as soon as they become public, as well as the impact on other EPS programs.
For a copy of the proposed DOE standard revision (NOPR 2012), click here. The DOE's Battery Chargers and External Power Supplies webpage can be found here. Information on version 5 of the EC Code of Conduct for External Power Supplies and be found here. The Lot 7 revision proposal presented at the EC Ecodesign Consultants Forum can be found here.
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