
White-LED driver simplifies design

The four-channel AAT2847 white LED driver integrates two 200-mA LDO linear regulators, each with its own independent enable pin, to power ancillary system functions. Each of the device’s four channels supplies up to 30 mA of bias current for WLEDs.

To ensure uniform display brightness, WLED backlight bias-current matching is typically 0.5%. The device uses the AS2Cwire digital interface to enable, disable, and set the current for each backlight LED channel. Current level can be set across 52 levels including 16 current settings in three separate current scales—30, 20, and 15 mA—as well as four low-level current settings that go as low as 50 μA. ($1.09 ea/1,000—available now.)

Advanced Analogic Technologies , Sunnyvale , CA
Karolien Cools-Wittry 408 737 4600


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